If you are serious about building a life changing monthly passive income using the internet, you will need to brand yourself as a leader. This will not happen overnight as it takes time, effort and some working capital.
You Need To Build Your Own Blog
Having your own blog is one of the keys towards branding yourself online as a leader in the online passive income building niche.
My blog URL is digitalwealthbuilder.com, the domain name suggests that it’s related to building wealth online. I am using this to blog to brand myself as a leader within the online passive income building niche.
I am also writing my follow up emails as posts on this blog, as this will increase the email delivery rate. I place a link to the blog posts in my email. The blog post can be as lengthy as requires and can also contain words and phrases that maybe treated as spam by some email programs.
My emails are short and contain a link to a post on my blog that provides the details. This is what most of the top internet marketers are doing. I was sending out lengthy emails with full details and call to action, most of these emails were ending up in the prospects spam folder!
Use Wealthy Affiliate To Build And Host Your Blog
The easiest way to build a self-hosted WordPress blog is by using Wealthy Affiliate. This platform has helped may internet marketers to establish successful blogs.
Building your own blog using Wealthy Affiliate is really simple and the support offered is exceptional. They will provide a free domain name to get you started.
This blog along with others that I own are created with and hosted on Wealthy Affiliate. This platform is sufficient for most internet marketers, unless you are getting millions of visitors daily!
You can host multiple blogs on this platform and there is support from 1000’s of active online income builders via the online community. Some of the members have just used this program only to generate a substantial monthly passive income.

You can also promote Wealthy Affiliate as an affiliate and build up a passive income. This will become one of your online passive income programs.
Having your own blog will put you on the road towards branding yourself as a leader. Once your blog starts to generate a large number of visitors, you will be able to monetize it via Google’s AdSense program to create another stream of monthly passive income.
Use Your Blog As Your Online Business Address
You can use your blog as your online business address. You can send people from your social media platforms to your blog. This will increase traffic to your blog and also work towards branding you as a leader.
Offer valuable information related to building passive income using the internet on your blog to make it sticky (retain visitors).
Use your blog to capture leads into your autoresponder by proving a sign up form. Once your blog posts get indexed on Google, you will start to get a significant number of subscribers to your email list from via your blog.
Blogging can bring in passive income in the form of affiliate commissions and also advertising revenue from programs like Google AdSense. This will take some time to build up, we will concentrate on other passive income programs to enable us to create a substantial monthly income that will offer us more time freedom.
Once you have established a monthly passive income of over $5,000, you will be able to quit your current employment and dedicate more time into blogging should you wish to do so.
Create Your Own YouTube Channel
Having your own YouTube Channel is a must to establish yourself as a leader within the online passive income building niche.
Most people are camera shy or are not confident with expressing themselves in front of a camera. This should not hold you back from starting a YouTube Channel targeted towards the online passive income building niche.
My YouTube Channel consists of screen recordings and some YouTube shorts. I am not really camera shy, but have not mastered video editing yet.
You can start off by doing screen recording using software like ScreenPal. You don’t need any video editing skills to get started with this simple to use software. Make sure you use a descent microphone to capture the audio. It does not have to be a top off the range microphone, but descent enough to capture quality audio and reduce surrounding noise.
Video editing and speaking in front of a camera are good skills to pick up. If you already possess these skills, you will be able to make marketing videos and also informative videos related to the online income building niche.
You can place links to your capture page and blog in the description of the video. A good video can attract a large number of visitors and add many subscribers to your email list.
Your videos will draw in many visitors to your blog and help towards getting it monetized via Google’s AdSense program.
You will also be able to get your YouTube Channel monetized via AdSense. This will take some time, but it will be well worth it.
Your primary goal should be to build your email list to enable you to build up a substantial monthly passive income. The AdSense earning from your blog and YouTube Channel will become additional streams of passive income as they get established gradually.
Use Other Social Media Platforms To Brand Yourself
You place links to your lead capture page on other social media platforms that you use like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.
You can post short videos on the above platforms to brand yourself and send visitors to your lead capture page and your blog. Some of these platforms don’t allow you to have multiple links in your bio, you can get around this by using a service like Linktree.
Don’t post links to the opportunities that you are promoting directly. Send visitors to your lead capture page and let the autoresponder do the follow-ups.
This is Step 4 of the “Digital Wealth Builder”. You will need to take time to carry out the exercises and actions outlined in all of the 12 steps to build up your online passive income streams.
“I may earn commissions as an affiliate from sponsored links within this post”