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The $10 Monthly Passive Income Builders

I will be using two $10 monthly programs to build online passive income streams in 2024. If you are willing to work on building a substantial monthly passive income within the next 12 months, read this post a get started.

Nexus Rewards

It costs $40 onetime and $9.95 monthly to become an affiliate with Nexus Rewards. The pay plan has massive leverage built into it.

Click Here to learn more and get started

This opportunity lets people earn cash back and discounts on various products and services. Nexus Rewards has a really lucrative compensation plan that can be used to build a substantial monthly income using the internet.


It costs only $40 one-time and $9.95 monthly to become an affiliate with LiveGood. This company offers premium health and nutritional supplements at a reasonable cost. The price is not inflated like in other Network Marketing based companies.

The affiliate pay plan offered massive leverage and can be marketed worldwide using the internet. One of the highest earners is making over $80,000 monthly in commissions.

This company is growing rapidly worldwide and there is massive growth expected in 2024. Get started now and ride the wave of growth in the next 12 months.

Click Here to take the free tour and join our global team.

Build Two Streams Of Passive Income Using The Internet

You can use Nexus Rewards and LiveGood to build a substantial monthly passive income within the next 12 months. These are low cost programs that offer massive leverage.

Working with both programs will cost you $19.90 monthly. Even though they are low cost programs, you should treat them like real businesses, as they have the potential to earn you a substantial monthly income.

The current global economic situation will force most people to look beyond their normal employment to build up additional income streams. You will be in a position to provide these additional income vehicles in the form of these two low cost opportunities.

Most of the so called online income opportunities involve selling high ticket products to earn a commission or lock people into paying a monthly subscription over around $50 to $100.

The high ticket products and monthly subscriptions don’t really offer much value to the end user. Some really good marketers make a quick amount of money using these high ticket opportunities. The vast majority end up losing thousands of dollars.

Working with Nexus Rewards and LiveGood as an affiliate will cost you $40 one-time for each opportunity and $9.95 monthly for each opportunity.

Cost of Running Nexus Rewards for 12 months: $40 onetime + ($9.95 x 12 = $119.40) = $40 + $119.40 = $159.40

Cost of Running Live for 12 months: $40 onetime + ($9.95 x 12 = $119.40) = $40 + $119.40 = $159.40

(You can also pay an yearly amount of $139.95 with LiveGood).

Cost of running both opportunities as an affiliate = $159.40 + $139.95 = $299.35

For less than $300 you can build both businesses as an affiliate for 12 months.

If you put in the time and effort in building both of these businesses, could you earn more than $300 with 12 months?

If you were paying monthly, you would pay $49.95 in the first month and $9.95 monthly after that. You can get started with both businesses by paying $99.90 in you first month and $19.90 monthly after that.

Go All Out For The Next 12 Months

Once you have joined both programs as an affiliate member, you should go all out on your marketing for the next 12 months. Create videos and posts on social media, create blog posts and use other forms of marketing to build your online income streams.

If you are new to internet marketing, you will learn form your success and failures. Do more of what works and less of what does not work.

Set a goal of how many people you want to recruit into the opportunities that you are promoting. Stay focused on your goal and take massive marketing action.

The beauty about the pay plans offered these programs is that there is leverage built into them. Once you have create some momentum, your business and income will start to grow with little effort from you.

You will have to take massive action to create the momentum that will push your income to the stage that it grows without much effort from you.

Get started now and take massive action in the next 12 months to build a substantial monthly passive income using the internet.

You Will Never Become Wealthy Until You Address Your Laziness

You cannot escape the trap of poverty until you address your attachment to laziness. You need to get up, take action and make your life the way you want it to be.

You maybe saying “I don’t know how to make enough money to get out of the rat race?”. I hear you, but I have offered you a solution that you can use to build passive income using the internet.

You maybe saying “I don’t know how to market online”. I would suggest that you take the time to learn internet marketing. It may seem hard when you get started, but it gets easier as you make progress.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself with a get rich quick mindset. You need to join the programs and put in the marketing effort. If you put in consistent effort you will see your income grow month after month.

If you don’t do anything, your income is not going to increase. You need to take focus on your dream and take action to escape from the lifestyle that has trapped you.

You may need to cut back on an hour of sleep or TV time daily and use this time to build your online business and income.

You Need To Have Faith

Sometimes in life we need to have faith and follow our instincts. I know that I am not going to get out of the trading time for money lifestyle unless I do something about it.

I have decide to break free from the rat race using the internet as my chosen vehicle. I am going to promote these programs massively in the next 12 months to build up a substantial monthly income.

I have set a goal of building up a monthly passive income of over $5,000 by the end of 2024. This will enable me to quit my current employment and focus on building other passive income stream leading to financial freedom.

If you would like to join me on this journey, get started with Nexus Rewards and LiveGood and work with me closely for the next 12 months. I am offering you the exact same program that I will be using to break free from the chains of trading time for money.

If you have a strong belief in yourself and are willing to take massive action, you can build yourself a substantial monthly passive income in 12 months.

I have full belief that I will be able to build a monthly passive income of over $5,000 by the end of 2024. I am ready to help others achieve this goal too. Once you have enough money coming in to enable you to take care of your living expenses, you will be in a position to work towards creating long term financial freedom.

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“I may earn commissions as an affiliate from sponsored links within this post”