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Let’s Build Passive Income In 2024 Using The Internet

I’m writing this post on the 30th of December 2023, the new year is just around the corner. I have made a decision to build a substantial monthly passive income using the internet in 2024, and will support others who are also looking to build passive income in 2024.

The Struggle In 2023

I have been working as a corporate security officer in 2023. This involved working 12 hour long night-shifts, struggling to stay awake. Whilst most of my colleagues dosed off or watched endless hours of Netflix, I looked for ways of getting out of this trading time for money nightmare.

I knew that I could not do this job for much longer. Many positions at work have been cut and we are made to take on extra work without getting paid anymore money for it.

I have also been suffering from back pain, leading to numbness and tingling sensation on my right arm. The ice cold environment in the building is not helping. I have been struggling with back pain and working under the influence of Ibuprofen. You can only take a certain number of capsules within the 12 hour long night-shift.

The wages at work have not increased to keep up with rising living costs. I have been struggling to make ends meet. I have been living payday to payday since the global pandemic in 2020. The past 3 years have been a nightmare, I had many plans of getting out of this employment, but the pandemic had other plans for me.

Ready For A New Chapter In My Life

Living the nightmare lifestyle of the past 3 years has toughened me up mentally. I have started to transform my mindset and I know that my lifestyle is about to change.

I have made a decision to take control of my destiny. I have made a decision to escape the rat race. I will build a substantial monthly passive income in the next 12 months to enable me to quit my current employment.

I cannot just walk away for my current employment as I need the money it pays to cover my monthly living expenses. I have decided to build passive income streams using the internet on a part-time basis.

I know that I will be building my online business on a part-time basis, but I will treat it like a full-time venture. This online business will become the vehicle that will put me onto the road towards freedom in the next 12 months.

The Plan For 2024 – The Next 12 Months Ahead

I have decided to work with two low cost program to build online passive income streams in the next 12 months. I will be working with LiveGood and Nexus Rewards as they offer exceptional leverage.

I will dedicate 1.5 hours daily on marketing these two programs using the internet. I will be sending traffic daily to my affiliate links for both of these programs using MyLeadGenSecret.

I will also write blog articles and post videos on YouTube and TikTok to get subscribers onto my email list. I have set up follow-up message to explain how my subscribers can also build a monthly passive income by working with me for the next 12 months.

I will have to make free up 1.5 hours daily to work on building my online business. I work 12 hours daily and it takes approximately 1.5 hours to travel to work and 1.5 hours to get back home.

Work takes up 15 hours of my day. I will need to cut out unproductive time like watching TV or just lazing around and scrolling social media.

I will need to sleep for 5 hours daily and also spend 2.5 hours on eating, showering, shaving…etc. This will leave me 1.5 hours to work on my online business.

My daily routine will look like the following:

Work – 15 hours

Sleep – 5 hours

Necessities – 2.5 hours

Online Business – 1.5 hours

I will have to maintain this routine for the next 12 months to enable me to build a monthly passive income of over $5,000.

My Monthly Online Business Expenses

I have made a decision to use $200 monthly towards funding my online business and income building venture for the next 12 months.

The cost of the two programs that I am using to build online passive income streams is $20 monthly. Most of the monthly budget will be use to pay for my blog, autoresponder and marketing tools.

In the next 12 months I will be spending 12 x $200 = $2,400 on building my online business. The cost of everything that I use to build my online business will be below $5,000 in the next 12 months.

Even if it cost me $10,000 in the next 12 months to build up a monthly passive income of over $5,000, I would earn the money back in 2 months!

The most important thing is not the money, it is the time. I will need to stay consistent and put in 1.5 hours daily in building my online business.

12 months of consistent effort will enable me to quit my current employment. I know this is going to be challenging, but I made a decision to accept the challenge and transform my lifestyle.

If I don’t do take action in 2024, it will just be a repeat of 2023. I am ready to pay the price in time, money and effort in 2024 to get on the road towards freedom in 2025.

2024 will be the year that will get me out of the trading time for money trap. If you have a similar goal, click here to subscribe to Digital Wealth Builder and work with for the next 12 months.

No Pain No Gain

I can feel the pain on my upper back, shoulder and the numbness and tingling on my fingers. I know that I must write this blog post to get the message out. The businesses that I am building pay for developing large networks. The more affiliates you have in your network, the more potential you have of earning commissions.

It is in my interest to help my team members become successful, as their success will contribute to my success. The pay plan offers matching bonuses that can build up commissions rapidly.

I am forcing myself to write this blog post. I could just relax and watch a couple of hours of TV, but I have made a commitment towards building my online business.

The vision of the day that I quit my current employment drives me towards writing this post. I know that, if I stick to the plan, I will be able to build up a substantial monthly passive income in the next 12 months.

I have set a goal of building up a monthly passive income of over $5,000 to enable me to quit my current employment. This amount will be enough to cover my monthly expenses while I work towards build other passive income streams.

The pain of working at my current employment has manifested within my body as upper back pain. The heating within the building that I am working in is not sufficient as it is turned down during the night.

Whilst working night-shifts, I try and focus my mind on building my online business. I am looking towards creating freedom, I try and take attention away from the current pain of working these shifts.

I know 12 months of consistent effort will enable me to reach my goal of building a monthly passive income of over $5,000. It is just a matter of staying focused and carrying out the marketing tasks.

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“I may earn commissions as an affiliate from sponsored links within this post”