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The 12 Month Online Passive Income Building Challenge

Would you like to join me in a 12 month passive income building challenge using the internet?

In this post I will go into the full details of this challenge.

The Online Business Opportunity We Will Be Using

We will use be using the LiveGood nutritional business to build our monthly passive income. This business can be built using the internet. You get to earn one time commissions and also monthly residual income by building a network of distributors and customers.

You will need to join as an affiliate member to take advantage of the lucrative pay plan offered by LiveGood. This opportunity is available in most countries in the world. Your marketing potential is massive as it can be built using the internet.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

How Much Do You Want To Earn Monthly In Passive Income?

Set a goal of the amount you would like to earn every month in passive income after 12 months of building your LiveGood business.

It can be any amount from $1,000 to $5,000 monthly. My goal is to get to earning over $5,000 monthly after 12 months of build my LiveGood business. Everyone will have their own monetary targets.

The pay plan offered by LiveGood has leverage built into it. You get to earn from a 2×15 company matrix that is built from the efforts of your upline, downline and also your own efforts.

The bigger your network grows, the more you will earn in commissions. Once you get started with LiveGood, go through the pay plan to understand the income potential offered by this business.

The matching bonus offered by the pay plan can boost your monthly earnings significantly. Like with any opportunity, you need to take action to reap the rewards.

I have set a goal of earning a monthly passive income of over $5,000 monthly by December 2024. I am writing this blog post on the 20th of November 2023. I have 12 months to reach my goal of building a monthly passive income of over $5,000.

The only way I can reach this goal is by helping others to build their own networks and passive income streams using the LiveGood opportunity. If the people that I refer to LiveGood become successful, I will also become successful.

Join my LiveGood business network and let me know that you are serious about building a substantial monthly passive income using it. I will be there to support you fully and we can work towards reaching our financial goals.

Once you have joined, email me at:

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

Are There People Already Earning A Significant Monthly Passive Income From LiveGood?

The LiveGood business opportunity has been running for nearly 2 years. Diamond ranked members are earning an estimated monthly income of over $20,000. There are many affiliate members earning ion excess of $5,000 monthly in passive income.

Like with all online income opportunities there are some people struggling to earn any commission from LiveGood as they are not putting in the marketing effort.

I looking for people who are serious about building a monthly passive income using the LiveGood business opportunity. You will need to put in the marketing effort and treat it like a real business. You can build it on a part-time basis, but you will need to treat it like your main business.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

How Much Does It Cost To Start Your Own LiveGood Business?

It costs an initial fee of $40 (one time) and a monthly fee of $9.95 to stay active as an affiliate member. You get to use the marketing system and also have your own customer and product focused websites.

There is also an option to pay a yearly fee of $139.95, this will keep you active as an affiliate member for 12 months. If have paid the yearly option to get my own LiveGood business, I can just concentrate on build my business without worrying about paying any more monthly fees.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

Is LiveGood A Real Business?

LiveGood offers exceptional nutrition products that are reasonably prices. The company is based in Florida, USA. It ships out products to most countries in the world.

You have the opportunity of build your LiveGood business by referring members for around the world. The internet makes it possible to reach a large number of prospects worldwide. There are diamond ranked affiliate members for various countries in the world.

This is a global business opportunity that can be build using the marketing power of the internet. LiveGood pays you to build their customer base by offering you commissions on product sales generated by you and also your network of affiliate members, and customers.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

Take The Free Tour And Connect With Me

Take the free tour, if you would like to get involved, upgrade as an affiliate member and contact me. You can email me at:

We can work together on building our LiveGood network and commissions. This opportunity rewards you to build a team of affiliate members and customers. It will be in my interest to help you become successful with this opportunity as your success with contribute to my success.

Partner with me and let’s build a global team that dominates LiveGood and creates substantial monthly passive incomes for us all. If you would like to become a front line leader within my LiveGood network, get started immediately and contact me.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

Create A 12 Month Marketing Plan

Set a goal of the amount of monthly passive income you would like to build using the LiveGood opportunity. Create a plan of action to get there within 12 months. You will need to work on marketing the opportunity to people worldwide.

You many be good at blogging or creating video or interacting on social media. Create a plan that will enable you to get the LiveGood opportunity in front of as manty people as possible. In the beginning you may not see much results, as you put in the effort, the number of prospects you start to generate you start to increase month after month.

If you put in the marketing effort, you will start to see results within the first 3 to 6 months. It is a good idea to create an intensive marketing plan for the first 30 day to see what works. Once you have figured out the marketing actions that produce the best results, you can create another marketing plan for the next 90 days.

After 4 months of consistent marketing effort you will start to see results. Most people give up before their 6th months and wonder why it did not work for them. The truth is that they never really worked the business. It takes time and effort to build passive income. Once you have established a stream of passive income that enables you to free yourself from trading time for money, you will be in a position to create real financial freedom.

If you are ready to transform your financial future, get started immediately and let’s start build a substantial monthly passive income using the LiveGood business opportunity.

Click Here to take a free tour of this low cost global online business opportunity.

“I may earn commissions as an affiliate from sponsored links within this post”