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Is The Money Really In The List?

In this post we are going to look at the benefits of building an email list. Learn why top online business entrepreneurs recommend that you start building your own list ASAP.

What Is An Email List?

It’s a list of email addresses of people stored in a way that they can be sent messages when required. This list may have names of the people, but this is not a requirement.

The email addresses need to be collected via a method that allows the person subscribing to your list to confirm that they are wiling to receive messages for you.

What Is An Autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a software program that allows you to build your own email list and send out a sequence of follow-up messages to your list at selected intervals. You can set up subscription forms for people to opt into your email list.

You can capture various information using the capture forms, but the minimum requirement is to get the email address of the subscriber.

Once you have a list of subscribers on your email list you can send them follow up messages and also message broadcast when you want.

Your Email Landing Page

You can host a landing page on your site/blog or on the autoresponder site. This page is designed to get people to subscribe to your email list to get something of value. It may be valuable information or a mini course that will allow them to learn something that they are interested in.

A good landing page will enable you to get a higher rate of subscribers. You will need to send visitors to your landing page and the number of subscribers you get will depend on the content and attraction power of your page.

You can use landing pages in your social media profiles and also on business cards with a short message that gets people to visit the page. You can also place a link to your landing page on your blog posts and YouTube video descriptions to draw in visitors.

Your Email Subscription Box

The autoresponder program allows you to build a subscription box to capture leads into your email list. You can define what information you want to capture. Usually the name and email address is sufficient. I capture only the email address as it is the minimum requirement to enable me to send out messages to my subscribers.

You can place your subscription box on various locations on your blog and also at the bottom of your blog posts to dawn people into your email list.

Your Follow-Up Messages

The autoresponder program that you are using should allow you to set up follow-up messages that will be sent automatically to your subscribers at pre-defined interval set by you.

This will allow you to provide information to your subscribers at a steady pace and get them to take a look at what you are offering.

You can use autoresponder messages to provide an online course in parts that are delivered according to the delay that you specify.

Email Broadcast Messages

Your autoresponder program should allow you to send out a message to all your subscribers immediately as a broadcast. This feature will allow you inform your subscribers of a new online income opportunity or important changes to an existing opportunity or tools that you are working with.

You can also use this feature to recommend products and services to your subscribers as an affiliate to earn commissions once sales are generated.

Building Your List

Your autoresponder program will allow you to build many lists. I would suggest that you stick to one list and build it to over 10,000 subscribers before you start building multiple lists.

Decide on a specific niche and build one list related to this niche. Once you have built up a substantial monthly passive income stream within your chosen niche, you can move onto another niche and build another email list.

You Must Build Your Own List

Many marketing systems allow you to build an email list. Most have their own follow-up messages, some allow you to customize the follow-up messages. This may look good as most of the work is done for you, but you are not in control of the list.

Some marketing systems allow you to also drop the subscribers into your own autoresponder via API calls. The major problem with this is that the subscriber ends up on the list of the marketing system that you are using. The owner of the marketing system can email them with their own offers and recommendations.

When a new online income opportunity, tool, product or service is released, the owner may be able to contact your subscriber before you. This happens many times with these automated marketing systems.

I would suggest that you build your own online marketing system and capture your own leads, write your own follow up messages.

You need to be in control of your own email list and your online marketing system.

What Is An Online Marketing System?

An online marketing system sends out information related to products, services, tool and opportunities that you are promoting to prospects.

You get prospects into your marketing system by creating capture pages to draw in subscriber to your email list. You automate your marketing by sending out pre-written messages that are linked to your autoresponder for that specific list.

These message can have videos embedded into them from sites like YouTube to explain the opportunity, tools, service or product that you are marketing. You can also send leads from your email list into the marketing system provided by the opportunity that you are promoting. They are not send directly, they must opt-in via the link to the marketing funnel that you send out as a link in your email message.

The easiest way to build a marketing system is by using an autoresponder program. You create capture pages to get subscribers into your email list, and send out pre-written email messages to these subscribers.

Your follow-up messages get the products, services, tools and opportunities that you are promoting in font of your subscribers.

Once you have build up your marketing system, you will need to send targeted traffic to your capture page or subscription form.

Don’t make the mistake of driving traffic directly to the capture page offered by the product, service, tool or opportunity that you are promoting. Drive traffic to your own capture page and build your own list first. Once the subscriber is on your list, you can send them details of the opportunity, tool, product or service that you are promoting.

My Autoresponder Of Choice

I am using the GetResponse Autoresponder to build my own list of subscribers. I will start sending traffic to my capture pages to build my own list first and them promote opportunities, products and services to my subscribers.

Currently I have just over 1,000 subscribers on my email list. My goal is to get this to over 10,000 within 12 months.

GetResponse is a professional autoresponder that is used by many internet marketers. It offers all the tools and functionality to build an automated online marketing system using it.

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